It's Official... I'm going to HELL!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Funny thing happened to me last night. I'm laying in bed at 11:00 just turned out the light and my phone goes off... txt message. Hoping against hope that it was someone I really wanted to hear from, I mean only certain people would txt me at 11:00 on a Sunday night, I immediately reached for it thinking it would be a nice unexpected hello or something equally pleasant. WRONG!!!! It was the very first flat out ugly message I have received from a guy on Apparently 'ronniejones2853' felt the overwhelming need  to send me an email quoting Corinthians something or other that it is a SIN (yes he actually put it in all caps) to remarry and if I divorce my husband I am going to HELL (again with the caps). And then some bullshit about "Jesus loves you" and "Be Holy" and that was it. I almost fell out of bed upon reading the message.  I literally would not have believed that anyone could be so self righteous as to send such a message to a complete stranger on an Internet dating site. I mean the vast majority of users are divorced. I wonder if he is sending all of the divorced ladies he looks at such positive, spiritually uplifting messages? I was a little freaked out too like you know when you get that feeling after you read something like that that someone is watching you or just really trying to get to you on a personal level? And he did, for a minute... then I got pissed. I immediately fired off a "report a user" email to the match police and proceeded to block his pathetic religious nut bag self from contacting me ever again. But I did sneak a peek at his profile one last time just to see where he got off saying shit like that. I knew I recognized him from a previous view, and sure enough there he was again. All white pants and blue blazer sitting on a ridiculous gilded velvet covered settee... yes I just used the word settee... a fancy pants ugly ass gold and velvet love seat. Looks like mr "ronniejones 2853" has quite the inflated ego judging by his ridiculous profile pictures standing in front of swirling staircases and pink wall paper complete with lovely silk floral arrangements. He might just live in a funeral parlor. A reasonably attractive 49 year old African American male, never married but with 2 kids. Hmmmm... what does the bible say about that ronniejones????? I kind of wished I would have fired off a good one to him before eradicating his existence from my parallel universe. But what would really be the point? I am a religious person but I would never dream of using my religious views to try to put some one else down. I cannot for the life of me understand what kind of person would. So another check in the negative column for I am really not sure if this is worth the effort at all.

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