Over The River And Thru The Woods, Don't Forget Your Box Of Wine....

Friday, November 22, 2013

I am heading to the great white North today with my kids to see my parents and I do love me a good road trip. Really, I don't mind. But then again I am a pro and I run this mutha so... there's that. So here's a lil list of  your basic do's and don'ts for a good old fashioned cross country family trek. Happy Trails!

Do's and Don'ts For Road-Trippin With Children

Do - Have Fun! This is the stuff that memories are made of. My brother and I still re-tell our kids hilarious stories about trips my parents took us on as kids decades ago. 

Do - Pack a lot of snacks. Kids get hungry and buying snacks on the road can be pricey. But think about the mess factor. Things that come in a can are really good... and if you don't like snacks that come in a can we probably can't be friends.

Incidentally, this up here goes really good on that down there. Don't knock it...

Don't make too many pit stops at La Bell des Tacos. Kids love to make a run for the border but they also tend to explode rather quickly, sometimes like volcanos. And often it comes fast and furious. Can really screw up a long road trip. Thank God my daughter doesn't remember that when she was about 3 she had take a shit on the side of the highway... it was urgent. Her Dad and I laughed, cause we are horrible people. Seriously steer clear of spicy food and mystery meat.

Stop when you need to so you don't get tired and fall asleep at the wheel. Or drink a lot of red bull and wear depenz. Gotta stay on schedule. Kidding. 

Do pack a box of wine if you plan to stay over night in a hotel on the road. There is nothing more annoying than paying $40 for a bottle of wine from room service that you know you can get at the grocery store for $9.99. Except possibly being trapped in a rented room for the night with 3 kids and no wine. Bottles are heavy and not safe to travel with. Safety first!

Also make sure everyone has their own blanket and pillow, slip on shoes for quick pit stops, bottled water, head phones, technology device and charger... cause no one wants to share any of these things and fights will ensue. Nothing like popcorn or any food even remotely ball shaped as it lends itself to throwing, is allowed anywhere near the car. No gum. No chocolate for anyone but the driver.

And now I need to finish work, pack and get the show on the road!

Oh and don't forget to check out my gal pal Holly at Where We Can Live Like Jack & Sally! She is doing a giveaway today for a $75 Target e-Card and we could all use some extra dolla dolla bills around the holidays!

But first it's time to #backthatazzup with Miss Whitney!

Wish me luck! Catch ya on the flip side...
Highway to Hell by AC/DC on Grooveshark


  1. Oh my gosh Amy! You crack my shit up! You've got this road trip down! Also, canned snacks are from heaven. You really made me want some canned cheese ASAP! Have fun!

  2. I'm so happy I found you because you are hilarious!

