Paris | New Typeface by Moshik Nadav

Three favorite foods

Mac and Cheese
Filet Oscar
Buttermilk Biscuits

Three things I'd never give up


Three favorite cocktails

Old Fashioned
A Grand Marnier (after dinner slightly warmed)
Dirty Martini with a Blue Cheese stuffed olive

Three favorite movies

The Breakfast Club
Steel Magnolias

Three favorite simple pleasures in life

Clean white sheets
Toes in the water, ass in the sand
A lazy Sunday

Three things that are always in my car

St. Christopher's medal
A class 3 Ansi Safety Vest - partly for work but also because I see lots of tragic stuff  happening on the interstates as part of my job. Don't get out of your car if you can help it. 

Three things I always have with me

My phone
Lip gloss

Three things I regret doing/not doing

I don't  find it useful to ever spend time thinking about this.

Three most recent places I traveled to

Rabun County for the eclipse
Lake Blackshear

Three most often used makeup products

NYX Matte Lipstick in Butter
Urban Decay Eye shadow in Roach
Bare Minerals Lip gloss in Forbidden

Three things that make me cry

The Falcons blowing a 28 point lead in the Super Bowl
Military homecoming surprises
Laughing uncontrollably with a friend... I am a laugh-cryer.

Three things that make me smile/laugh

Funny GIF's of people falling down
An unexpected compliment
My dog attempting to talk

Three places I want to visit in the U.S.

Lake Tahoe
Louisville KY for the Derby
Austin City Limits

Three places I want to visit outside the U.S.


Three blessings in my life

My kids - Obviously
My Family
My Health

All About Me In 3's

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Paris | New Typeface by Moshik Nadav

Three favorite foods

Mac and Cheese
Filet Oscar
Buttermilk Biscuits

Three things I'd never give up


Three favorite cocktails

Old Fashioned
A Grand Marnier (after dinner slightly warmed)
Dirty Martini with a Blue Cheese stuffed olive

Three favorite movies

The Breakfast Club
Steel Magnolias

Three favorite simple pleasures in life

Clean white sheets
Toes in the water, ass in the sand
A lazy Sunday

Three things that are always in my car

St. Christopher's medal
A class 3 Ansi Safety Vest - partly for work but also because I see lots of tragic stuff  happening on the interstates as part of my job. Don't get out of your car if you can help it. 

Three things I always have with me

My phone
Lip gloss

Three things I regret doing/not doing

I don't  find it useful to ever spend time thinking about this.

Three most recent places I traveled to

Rabun County for the eclipse
Lake Blackshear

Three most often used makeup products

NYX Matte Lipstick in Butter
Urban Decay Eye shadow in Roach
Bare Minerals Lip gloss in Forbidden

Three things that make me cry

The Falcons blowing a 28 point lead in the Super Bowl
Military homecoming surprises
Laughing uncontrollably with a friend... I am a laugh-cryer.

Three things that make me smile/laugh

Funny GIF's of people falling down
An unexpected compliment
My dog attempting to talk

Three places I want to visit in the U.S.

Lake Tahoe
Louisville KY for the Derby
Austin City Limits

Three places I want to visit outside the U.S.


Three blessings in my life

My kids - Obviously
My Family
My Health

How has a month gone by once again? It's almost September in the blink of an eye. I woke up this morning and there was a definite coolness in the air. It may be just the winds of hurricane Harvey making their way across the South or it may be fall. I am hopeful that it is the later. Football season starts this weekend and I can hardly contain my excitement and nervousness. It's not often that the biggest game of the year gets played on the opening day of the season starring your team. I am nervous but super excited that it will be here in my town. Unfortunately  at $300 for the cheap seats I will be tailgating down town and then watching from home. I am however checking out the new Mercedes Benz Stadium this Thursday to take in a Falcons pre-season game with my kids so at least I will get a peek at the hottest venue in the country right now a little early.
Image result for chick fil a kickoff
I had a cough cough super busy  weekend. It's so weird, now that Olivia is off at college I actually have real kid free weekends back and it's been like 2 years. Ever since she got her car she pretty much always stayed at my house even if it was a Dad's weekend. Me being me, I secretly wished once in awhile I could have the house all to myself for 2 days. And now I do. She actually popped in on Friday to get some more of her stuff and spent Friday night with her Dad, gone again on Saturday. She loves Statesboro and college in general. She has already been offered a job at the barn she is riding at and is thinking about trying out for the equestrian team. I couldn't be happier.

But back to my weekend. I stayed up too late Friday catching up on the DVR and slept in on Saturday morning. I stayed in all day and got most of my laundry done, sheets washed, a little light housework... my favorite kind of Saturday work that requires no interaction with people or wearing of pants. Heaven. Saturday night I went to Yacht Rock Revue at  The Tabernacle with friends. They do  a big show every summer in Atlanta and it is always a blast. I upgraded to VIP Room tickets this year for $25 and now I might be a regular there. For the extra cash you get private bathrooms, separate bar with pretty much no line, couches, the event on big flat screen TV's if you feel like taking a break, a rooftop deck with an amazing view of the ferris wheel and Centennial Park and tacos. Yes, trays of freshly made tacos. Sold.

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and concert

We beat it out of the concert a little early to get back on our side of town and watch the fight at the local sports bar. Y'all I think that shit was so rigged. They called it too early in my opinion. No knockout, McGregor wasn't down or unable to get up, slurring... they didn't even check his eyes!! He was smiling and laughing and apparently, fully decked out in one of  his trademark suits partying the rest of the night away at the Wynn. Uh huh. But seriously, I'd let Mayweather beat the crap out of me for $100 million or so dollars too. Sign me up.

McGregor could be seen dancing on the tables at Encore Beach Club

I guess I overindulged a little bit because I woke up about 30 minutes before I was meeting a date for brunch. Ooops. Nothing like showing up for a date with sheet marks on your face and smelling like a local IPA. And people wonder why I am single. Kidding, sorta... I told him I was running late and bought myself another 30 minutes. We had a nice time. Nice guy. Yeah... I love brunch though, that's about it. That was a treat. Somehow this weekend I managed not to pay for any of my own food or drinks except like one round and a giant Diet Mt. Dew on Sunday. Winning at life.

Speaking of winning at life I have been doing the Keto thing for about 2 weeks now. I really hate saying diet because it's really just following macros to keep your diet 60-75% fat,  15-30% protein and 5-10% carbs aka low carb, high fat. Everyone keeps asking me "why are you doing that, I thought you loved Whole30". I do, just felt like I needed a change and some stricter/not as strict rules to follow. I thought I could sustain this for a bit and still have a social life because liquor has zero carbs... as in I can have a Tito's and soda or 3. What I have learned so far is it works and lbs start falling off but I don't love it. I am used to consuming large amounts of fruits and veggies and with Keto you just can't because carbs. Not sure if this is helping me or not because I still feel like I can't get my food groove back. I am not cooking or prepping at all and it is making it much harder for me to stay on track. I don't know what the solution is but the problem is I just don't want to do it, I am being lazy. I'm going to do this for a bit though and see if I can dump the 10-15 lbs I found this summer. Why can I gain 5 lbs in 5 minutes yet it takes 2 weeks to lose 5 lbs? I hate this stupid roller coaster.

So it's feeling like Fall to me and I am ready to get off of my summer hiatus from blogging, cooking, meal prepping, working out and stop being such a miserable slug. Wish me luck!!

Happy Tuesday!

Weekending... On A Tuesday

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How has a month gone by once again? It's almost September in the blink of an eye. I woke up this morning and there was a definite coolness in the air. It may be just the winds of hurricane Harvey making their way across the South or it may be fall. I am hopeful that it is the later. Football season starts this weekend and I can hardly contain my excitement and nervousness. It's not often that the biggest game of the year gets played on the opening day of the season starring your team. I am nervous but super excited that it will be here in my town. Unfortunately  at $300 for the cheap seats I will be tailgating down town and then watching from home. I am however checking out the new Mercedes Benz Stadium this Thursday to take in a Falcons pre-season game with my kids so at least I will get a peek at the hottest venue in the country right now a little early.
Image result for chick fil a kickoff
I had a cough cough super busy  weekend. It's so weird, now that Olivia is off at college I actually have real kid free weekends back and it's been like 2 years. Ever since she got her car she pretty much always stayed at my house even if it was a Dad's weekend. Me being me, I secretly wished once in awhile I could have the house all to myself for 2 days. And now I do. She actually popped in on Friday to get some more of her stuff and spent Friday night with her Dad, gone again on Saturday. She loves Statesboro and college in general. She has already been offered a job at the barn she is riding at and is thinking about trying out for the equestrian team. I couldn't be happier.

But back to my weekend. I stayed up too late Friday catching up on the DVR and slept in on Saturday morning. I stayed in all day and got most of my laundry done, sheets washed, a little light housework... my favorite kind of Saturday work that requires no interaction with people or wearing of pants. Heaven. Saturday night I went to Yacht Rock Revue at  The Tabernacle with friends. They do  a big show every summer in Atlanta and it is always a blast. I upgraded to VIP Room tickets this year for $25 and now I might be a regular there. For the extra cash you get private bathrooms, separate bar with pretty much no line, couches, the event on big flat screen TV's if you feel like taking a break, a rooftop deck with an amazing view of the ferris wheel and Centennial Park and tacos. Yes, trays of freshly made tacos. Sold.

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and concert

We beat it out of the concert a little early to get back on our side of town and watch the fight at the local sports bar. Y'all I think that shit was so rigged. They called it too early in my opinion. No knockout, McGregor wasn't down or unable to get up, slurring... they didn't even check his eyes!! He was smiling and laughing and apparently, fully decked out in one of  his trademark suits partying the rest of the night away at the Wynn. Uh huh. But seriously, I'd let Mayweather beat the crap out of me for $100 million or so dollars too. Sign me up.

McGregor could be seen dancing on the tables at Encore Beach Club

I guess I overindulged a little bit because I woke up about 30 minutes before I was meeting a date for brunch. Ooops. Nothing like showing up for a date with sheet marks on your face and smelling like a local IPA. And people wonder why I am single. Kidding, sorta... I told him I was running late and bought myself another 30 minutes. We had a nice time. Nice guy. Yeah... I love brunch though, that's about it. That was a treat. Somehow this weekend I managed not to pay for any of my own food or drinks except like one round and a giant Diet Mt. Dew on Sunday. Winning at life.

Speaking of winning at life I have been doing the Keto thing for about 2 weeks now. I really hate saying diet because it's really just following macros to keep your diet 60-75% fat,  15-30% protein and 5-10% carbs aka low carb, high fat. Everyone keeps asking me "why are you doing that, I thought you loved Whole30". I do, just felt like I needed a change and some stricter/not as strict rules to follow. I thought I could sustain this for a bit and still have a social life because liquor has zero carbs... as in I can have a Tito's and soda or 3. What I have learned so far is it works and lbs start falling off but I don't love it. I am used to consuming large amounts of fruits and veggies and with Keto you just can't because carbs. Not sure if this is helping me or not because I still feel like I can't get my food groove back. I am not cooking or prepping at all and it is making it much harder for me to stay on track. I don't know what the solution is but the problem is I just don't want to do it, I am being lazy. I'm going to do this for a bit though and see if I can dump the 10-15 lbs I found this summer. Why can I gain 5 lbs in 5 minutes yet it takes 2 weeks to lose 5 lbs? I hate this stupid roller coaster.

So it's feeling like Fall to me and I am ready to get off of my summer hiatus from blogging, cooking, meal prepping, working out and stop being such a miserable slug. Wish me luck!!

Happy Tuesday!

Image result for columbia eclipse weekend


Tree Line Nut Cheese and Applegate Naturals Salami cause I am all about the snacks. I keep meaning to go all in on Keto but it just hasn't happened yet. I am eating pretty low carb/paleo though so this is a great snack alternative to real cheese. I am telling you guys if you have not tried Tree Line cheese you must. It's non-dairy and made from cashews. I can get it here in Atlanta area at Whole Foods and Kroger. It's a little pricey but Kroger does put it on sale. The Applegate products are just good stuff. Deli meats are notoriously horrible and full of shit you don't want in your bod. These are dairy free, gluten free, casein free, non-gmo, no antibiotics, humanely raised... you can read all about it for yourself here. Bottom line...They taste really good.

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The Eclipse I guess just like everyone else. There are so many good viewing spots here in the south that are just a hop skip from me. Nashville and Columbia, SC are having huge events. No effing way will I be there... I'll be in my front yard on a lawn chair most likely with a cold beer in hand. Or working.


A page out of a famous playbook. Life is change. Change is good. Hair grows back and mine was fried so I cut it again. Sorry that I don't actually have a pic but I am not sure how I feel about it yet. Check my Insta story and weigh in. It's short.

Start new, start different and make a change.


Every piece of jewelry in the Tiffany Hardware collection as modeled by Lady Gaga. I want it all. Dammit.

Related image

But I especially admire her for  not being one of the celebrity assholes that takes herself so seriously.


Rare Bird Lit books. I ordered this exclusive signed and numbered copy of Hummingbird by Jude Angelini with limited edition vinyl audiobook months and months ago and I only have to wait another month to get it when it comes out.

Humminbigrd 3D Vinyl with Caption-2.jpg

In the meantime I have been loving the selections they have to offer here, truly unique stuff. My latest purchase... just got it but don't see how it could disappoint. I know at least a few of you that will get it.

Many happy. 

Linking up wit Anne and Shea.

Currently: August

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Image result for columbia eclipse weekend


Tree Line Nut Cheese and Applegate Naturals Salami cause I am all about the snacks. I keep meaning to go all in on Keto but it just hasn't happened yet. I am eating pretty low carb/paleo though so this is a great snack alternative to real cheese. I am telling you guys if you have not tried Tree Line cheese you must. It's non-dairy and made from cashews. I can get it here in Atlanta area at Whole Foods and Kroger. It's a little pricey but Kroger does put it on sale. The Applegate products are just good stuff. Deli meats are notoriously horrible and full of shit you don't want in your bod. These are dairy free, gluten free, casein free, non-gmo, no antibiotics, humanely raised... you can read all about it for yourself here. Bottom line...They taste really good.

Related image


The Eclipse I guess just like everyone else. There are so many good viewing spots here in the south that are just a hop skip from me. Nashville and Columbia, SC are having huge events. No effing way will I be there... I'll be in my front yard on a lawn chair most likely with a cold beer in hand. Or working.


A page out of a famous playbook. Life is change. Change is good. Hair grows back and mine was fried so I cut it again. Sorry that I don't actually have a pic but I am not sure how I feel about it yet. Check my Insta story and weigh in. It's short.

Start new, start different and make a change.


Every piece of jewelry in the Tiffany Hardware collection as modeled by Lady Gaga. I want it all. Dammit.

Related image

But I especially admire her for  not being one of the celebrity assholes that takes herself so seriously.


Rare Bird Lit books. I ordered this exclusive signed and numbered copy of Hummingbird by Jude Angelini with limited edition vinyl audiobook months and months ago and I only have to wait another month to get it when it comes out.

Humminbigrd 3D Vinyl with Caption-2.jpg

In the meantime I have been loving the selections they have to offer here, truly unique stuff. My latest purchase... just got it but don't see how it could disappoint. I know at least a few of you that will get it.

Many happy. 

Linking up wit Anne and Shea.
