It finally feels like fall. A little bit anyway. This weekend brought some cooler temps in Atlanta, some rain and lots of pre-season football. I got the chance to do a whole lotta nothing too which I actually really loved. Friday night was out to dinner and back to the deck with good friends where many glasses of wine and beers were consumed. Life is full and good right now:)

I played some tennis, laid around and did some cooking and baking. Broke out the new Paleo cookbook for my first foray into grain free baking... Chocolate Hazelnut Pumpkin Bread. A total win from Juli Bauer's new cookbook. Rich and dense and really quite perfect. The recipe called for making your own chocolate hazelnut spread and I cheated because I had no hazelnuts... next time.

I also put the crock pot into the rotation for some Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken Chili. It is always a fave... not paleo but great for meals throughout the week and the kiddoes like it!

And such is the life of a bad blogger! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Biana...


Monday, August 31, 2015

It finally feels like fall. A little bit anyway. This weekend brought some cooler temps in Atlanta, some rain and lots of pre-season football. I got the chance to do a whole lotta nothing too which I actually really loved. Friday night was out to dinner and back to the deck with good friends where many glasses of wine and beers were consumed. Life is full and good right now:)

I played some tennis, laid around and did some cooking and baking. Broke out the new Paleo cookbook for my first foray into grain free baking... Chocolate Hazelnut Pumpkin Bread. A total win from Juli Bauer's new cookbook. Rich and dense and really quite perfect. The recipe called for making your own chocolate hazelnut spread and I cheated because I had no hazelnuts... next time.

I also put the crock pot into the rotation for some Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken Chili. It is always a fave... not paleo but great for meals throughout the week and the kiddoes like it!

And such is the life of a bad blogger! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Biana...

Shit... Its only Wednesday??? I guess that means I need to confess something or other because this is how we do it baby...

Hmmmm let's see...

I confess, I am confused. What in the actual fuck is going on with the Duggar freakshow Family?? Now this assface cheated on his wife??? Can they just go away please? #tlcneedstofiremanypeople

Guess what?? Just when I thought I got thru all of my humongous expenses... Whammy... here comes another one!!! So just to recap... speeding ticket, washer broken, A/C out, car failing emmisions... what next you say???? Scorpion infestation. Yup, you read that right. Ok maybe 2 does not make an infestation but since we are talking about muther facking scorpions guess who's not taking any chances??? Exterminator coming on Thursday with another giant bill I am sure. Fuck you scorpions. Prepare to die. Please pray that I don't die before then, oh yeah or my kids either.  #ikickedascorpion #butdidyoudie #joysoflivinginthesouth #icantmakethisshitup

Below Deck is back. More rich people behaving very badly. Why are all of these people so hot??? #amitoooldtobeayachtie #captainleecaptainlee

I got a marriage proposal yesterday. My OkCupid profile still exists I just haven't been on it in ages because this... #donthate #someonewantstomarryme #hemightbeinprison

Linking up with Lolo and Lauren...

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

Humpday Confessions & Hashtags & Scorpions

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Shit... Its only Wednesday??? I guess that means I need to confess something or other because this is how we do it baby...

Hmmmm let's see...

I confess, I am confused. What in the actual fuck is going on with the Duggar freakshow Family?? Now this assface cheated on his wife??? Can they just go away please? #tlcneedstofiremanypeople

Guess what?? Just when I thought I got thru all of my humongous expenses... Whammy... here comes another one!!! So just to recap... speeding ticket, washer broken, A/C out, car failing emmisions... what next you say???? Scorpion infestation. Yup, you read that right. Ok maybe 2 does not make an infestation but since we are talking about muther facking scorpions guess who's not taking any chances??? Exterminator coming on Thursday with another giant bill I am sure. Fuck you scorpions. Prepare to die. Please pray that I don't die before then, oh yeah or my kids either.  #ikickedascorpion #butdidyoudie #joysoflivinginthesouth #icantmakethisshitup

Below Deck is back. More rich people behaving very badly. Why are all of these people so hot??? #amitoooldtobeayachtie #captainleecaptainlee

I got a marriage proposal yesterday. My OkCupid profile still exists I just haven't been on it in ages because this... #donthate #someonewantstomarryme #hemightbeinprison

Linking up with Lolo and Lauren...

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

Hey there! It's Monday again here so time for a little recapping of the weekend festivities.  It was another fun one and I need to lay low for awhile I think. I'm tired. Friday night was low key a couple beers at happy hour and then home. A few friends, wine and cheese on the deck, pre-season Falcons football and not a single picture to prove it. Whoops! I came home to an amazon package, always a good thing... the new Paleo Cookbook from my favorite Paleo author, blogger & chef Juli Bauer. I cannot wait to start cooking some of the awesome recipes in it! Stay tuned for that!

This weekend wrapped up my summer concert series with Luke Bryan and friends. Another. Great. Show. Either I have lucked out and seen one awesome show after another or I am just super easy to please when it comes to live music and concerts. This is likely true but either way the concert was awesome. Go see him! Always a great performance of his music and a few great covers too like Maroon 5's Sugar and Sam Smith's Stay With Me. I love hearing artists do other artists music that are a totally different genre. Dustin, Randy and Luke can pull off some Maroon 5. This is from another show but check it out...

I know everyone makes fun of him but I don't care, I still think Luke Bryan is sexy as hell and puts on a great show haters.

Singing one of my favorite Songs... Drink a Beer... a tribute to the brother and sister that he lost tragically. He always sits on the edge of a pier that they put on the stage and the arena is dark except for the lighters... and everyone sings along. Possibly the coolest sad song ever.

So that was Saturday night and the rest of the weekend was pretty much relaxing, laundry and Netflix. Finally made it to Dana's death in The L Word and I cried like a baby. There was also food for days starting on Thursday nights annual co-b-day celebration with old friends. Eclipse di Luna for Tapas and Cafe Intermezzo fro dessert... Atlanta favorites! And that's a wrap on that one.

Linking up with Miss Biana!

Happy Monday!

Weekending with Luke, Randy & Dustin

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hey there! It's Monday again here so time for a little recapping of the weekend festivities.  It was another fun one and I need to lay low for awhile I think. I'm tired. Friday night was low key a couple beers at happy hour and then home. A few friends, wine and cheese on the deck, pre-season Falcons football and not a single picture to prove it. Whoops! I came home to an amazon package, always a good thing... the new Paleo Cookbook from my favorite Paleo author, blogger & chef Juli Bauer. I cannot wait to start cooking some of the awesome recipes in it! Stay tuned for that!

This weekend wrapped up my summer concert series with Luke Bryan and friends. Another. Great. Show. Either I have lucked out and seen one awesome show after another or I am just super easy to please when it comes to live music and concerts. This is likely true but either way the concert was awesome. Go see him! Always a great performance of his music and a few great covers too like Maroon 5's Sugar and Sam Smith's Stay With Me. I love hearing artists do other artists music that are a totally different genre. Dustin, Randy and Luke can pull off some Maroon 5. This is from another show but check it out...

I know everyone makes fun of him but I don't care, I still think Luke Bryan is sexy as hell and puts on a great show haters.

Singing one of my favorite Songs... Drink a Beer... a tribute to the brother and sister that he lost tragically. He always sits on the edge of a pier that they put on the stage and the arena is dark except for the lighters... and everyone sings along. Possibly the coolest sad song ever.

So that was Saturday night and the rest of the weekend was pretty much relaxing, laundry and Netflix. Finally made it to Dana's death in The L Word and I cried like a baby. There was also food for days starting on Thursday nights annual co-b-day celebration with old friends. Eclipse di Luna for Tapas and Cafe Intermezzo fro dessert... Atlanta favorites! And that's a wrap on that one.

Linking up with Miss Biana!

Happy Monday!

Happy Humpday folks! Yay!!! We are halfway thru the week already. That's good news. Busy week for me. All of the back to school events and meetings are in full swing and I feel like I am getting my routine and my Mommy groove back a little bit. But still squeezing in a little fun here and there, less so on the weeknights but I need to chill on that anyway.  Let's do a little confessing and hashtagging today shall we? This is going to be totally random... that I can promise.

Do you like surprises? I do when it comes to the shows I am watching . Don't effing spoil my shit before I watch it. The other day I was googling an actress on The L Word which I am currently in season 3 of on Netflix and I started reading the season three recaps on Wikipedia. I read a little too far and discovered a major, horrible plot twist that I did not see coming and immediately had a mini panic attack. #ohnoyoudidnt #shitfuckdamn #spoileralert

Now that my teenage daughter has a car, a job, a boyfriend and is back in school I never see her. Like when I do I get confused that she is actually home. But she's having fun and living her life and it's ok as much as I want to force her to stay home and be 5 again and play my little pony. #shehasbecomeme #sorrymomigetitnow

I cannot stop cheating with crappy food. There I said it. I don't think I am cheating so much that it's having a true negative impact but the little bits here and there that make me feel like I am cancelling out the good food. I can't fucking stop... what is wrong with me? #ilikejunkfoodandicannotlie #itsjustsogoodwhenithitsyourlips

Lately I have been absolutely hemorrhaging money. Do you ever feel like it's just going way faster than you can make it? I can't keep up... I am seriously considering a second job. As an Uber driver maybe. I have a huge black suv... it could be lucrative. Does anyone know an Uber driver? #iwillprobablyendupondateline #butiwouldoffergreatsnacks

Linking up with Lolo and Lauren!!

Happy Humpday! Hope it's a good one!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

Humpday Confessions & Hashtags

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy Humpday folks! Yay!!! We are halfway thru the week already. That's good news. Busy week for me. All of the back to school events and meetings are in full swing and I feel like I am getting my routine and my Mommy groove back a little bit. But still squeezing in a little fun here and there, less so on the weeknights but I need to chill on that anyway.  Let's do a little confessing and hashtagging today shall we? This is going to be totally random... that I can promise.

Do you like surprises? I do when it comes to the shows I am watching . Don't effing spoil my shit before I watch it. The other day I was googling an actress on The L Word which I am currently in season 3 of on Netflix and I started reading the season three recaps on Wikipedia. I read a little too far and discovered a major, horrible plot twist that I did not see coming and immediately had a mini panic attack. #ohnoyoudidnt #shitfuckdamn #spoileralert

Now that my teenage daughter has a car, a job, a boyfriend and is back in school I never see her. Like when I do I get confused that she is actually home. But she's having fun and living her life and it's ok as much as I want to force her to stay home and be 5 again and play my little pony. #shehasbecomeme #sorrymomigetitnow

I cannot stop cheating with crappy food. There I said it. I don't think I am cheating so much that it's having a true negative impact but the little bits here and there that make me feel like I am cancelling out the good food. I can't fucking stop... what is wrong with me? #ilikejunkfoodandicannotlie #itsjustsogoodwhenithitsyourlips

Lately I have been absolutely hemorrhaging money. Do you ever feel like it's just going way faster than you can make it? I can't keep up... I am seriously considering a second job. As an Uber driver maybe. I have a huge black suv... it could be lucrative. Does anyone know an Uber driver? #iwillprobablyendupondateline #butiwouldoffergreatsnacks

Linking up with Lolo and Lauren!!

Happy Humpday! Hope it's a good one!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

They are. I am making this a thing. Because I do what I want... aaaaand I really need to stop saying that. So last weekend technically started for me on Thursday and a planned girls night out for one of my very best friend's birthdays. We are still trying to figure out who was the brilliantine who picked Thursday and why,  because we all wanted to die quickly and painfully at work on Friday. Pretty sure Friday was THEE longest day of my working career like ever. Brilliant decision number 2 (and this really was) was to Uber all over town rather than drive so we could have multiple cocktails. Multiple cocktails. Multiple. If you follow me on Snapchat let me take this opportunity to apologize. We were Drunky McDrunkerson and having way too much fun for old women. Really I am not sorry at all. YOLO!!!

Anywho we went to some cool places and and had fun food and drinks which made for great bloggy photos. First stop was Cru - A Wine Bar  and it was fabulous. We each started out with a flight of wine, I chose Sauvignon Blanc, made up of 3 separate glasses together equaling one generous pour. It was heavenly! We also sampled the tapas, mostly cheese type things with won tons, heirloom tomatoes, figs, crusty bread, wild mushrooms and more cheese. And then I died and went to heaven.

We also made a stop at Kona Grill for additional drinks and dessert. Loved it. Don't ask me what this thing is just get it. It was off the chain frozen, chocolate-y goodness. Something with Snickers and oreo I think.

The weekend was actually pretty chill. I had my kids so we hung out a bit at home with friends. I got my car fixed up so it can pass emmisions. My ex actually fixed it for me... I will wait while you all regain conciousness. I played tennis, drank wine and went to the pool. I even ate and cooked a little too. Shocking I know! It was great! Relaxed and ready for the rest of the week. Thank God it's Tuesday!


Tuesdays Are For Recaps

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

They are. I am making this a thing. Because I do what I want... aaaaand I really need to stop saying that. So last weekend technically started for me on Thursday and a planned girls night out for one of my very best friend's birthdays. We are still trying to figure out who was the brilliantine who picked Thursday and why,  because we all wanted to die quickly and painfully at work on Friday. Pretty sure Friday was THEE longest day of my working career like ever. Brilliant decision number 2 (and this really was) was to Uber all over town rather than drive so we could have multiple cocktails. Multiple cocktails. Multiple. If you follow me on Snapchat let me take this opportunity to apologize. We were Drunky McDrunkerson and having way too much fun for old women. Really I am not sorry at all. YOLO!!!

Anywho we went to some cool places and and had fun food and drinks which made for great bloggy photos. First stop was Cru - A Wine Bar  and it was fabulous. We each started out with a flight of wine, I chose Sauvignon Blanc, made up of 3 separate glasses together equaling one generous pour. It was heavenly! We also sampled the tapas, mostly cheese type things with won tons, heirloom tomatoes, figs, crusty bread, wild mushrooms and more cheese. And then I died and went to heaven.

We also made a stop at Kona Grill for additional drinks and dessert. Loved it. Don't ask me what this thing is just get it. It was off the chain frozen, chocolate-y goodness. Something with Snickers and oreo I think.

The weekend was actually pretty chill. I had my kids so we hung out a bit at home with friends. I got my car fixed up so it can pass emmisions. My ex actually fixed it for me... I will wait while you all regain conciousness. I played tennis, drank wine and went to the pool. I even ate and cooked a little too. Shocking I know! It was great! Relaxed and ready for the rest of the week. Thank God it's Tuesday!

Find your tribe. Love them hard. TruthBomb. Friends. Family.

Hey there it's Friday again!!! I had kind of a topsy turvy week... to coin an old timey phrase that somehow fits. It was up and down, that seems to be kind of par for the course lately. I have a lot of good stuff happening but it seems to still be a bit tempered by things that are annoying and hanging over my head a little. The good news is nothing new broke (knock on wood), some bills got paid, I have a job, my friends are awesome, my kids are spectacular and my family is the absolute best thing ever. I failed at blogging again but other than that... All good stuff! And favorite things with Amanda are always good stuff too.. so let's get to it!


I absolutely can not stop playing this song by newcomer to the country scene... Cam. I love anyone who just has the balls to go by one name too. That's cool. And this is hauntingly beautiful...

If you have a moment listen to the story of how she wrote it. If you have ever loved and lost because you were an asshole raises hand it's pretty poignant.


Still thinking about a birthday tattoo even though I if I even do one this year it will be something small... and highly unlikely. Love this... shoulders are so sexy. Alas my right shoulder is already covered up. This is really pretty though.

lace tattoos for women | 15 Lace Tattoos For The Woman In You


I have been enjoying these this summer and it's almost as much about the frosty copper mug as it is the drink. Ok... not almost, it is. I need a set of my own. If you haven't tried a Moscow Mule get some Tito's and make one today. Perfect summer cocktail!

It's five o'clock somewhere, right? The moscow mule is particularly refreshing on these hot summer days. "17 Three-Ingredient Cocktails You Should Know How To Make"


I love booties. They are undoubtedly my favorite fall shoe choice here in the South. Especially if they have some cut out action, mesh, open toe, etc. Love, love love the Splash Pointy Toe Booties from Nine West. When they go on sale they are mine. 

Splash Pointy Toe Booties


I am a bag whore. I carry "luggage" according to my people, every day. And I love a good tote. Saw this from Anthro... the Imogen... then I died.


Because it's Friday and we must laugh at stupid humans...

Grandkids... not all they are cracked up to be.

38 People Who Are Done With Today

This seems like a metaphor for life. Having fun then... BAM

38 People Who Are Done With Today

Really? Really....

Tweeting about that new credit card.

I still love that someone took this so literally. 

Pizza & Cookies (& Jack).

How exactly would you explain this. I'll ask my ex. He'll know.

The three-car cooler train ride to drunktown.

Haven't seen any stupid escalator gifs lately. What the what.

22 Things That Seemed Like Good Ideas At The Time

Can you imagine, you see the google maps car coming down your street and...

The 21 Most Awkward Situations In History

Have a great weekend!!!

Image result for friday favorites link up

Friday Faves

Friday, August 14, 2015

Find your tribe. Love them hard. TruthBomb. Friends. Family.

Hey there it's Friday again!!! I had kind of a topsy turvy week... to coin an old timey phrase that somehow fits. It was up and down, that seems to be kind of par for the course lately. I have a lot of good stuff happening but it seems to still be a bit tempered by things that are annoying and hanging over my head a little. The good news is nothing new broke (knock on wood), some bills got paid, I have a job, my friends are awesome, my kids are spectacular and my family is the absolute best thing ever. I failed at blogging again but other than that... All good stuff! And favorite things with Amanda are always good stuff too.. so let's get to it!


I absolutely can not stop playing this song by newcomer to the country scene... Cam. I love anyone who just has the balls to go by one name too. That's cool. And this is hauntingly beautiful...

If you have a moment listen to the story of how she wrote it. If you have ever loved and lost because you were an asshole raises hand it's pretty poignant.


Still thinking about a birthday tattoo even though I if I even do one this year it will be something small... and highly unlikely. Love this... shoulders are so sexy. Alas my right shoulder is already covered up. This is really pretty though.

lace tattoos for women | 15 Lace Tattoos For The Woman In You


I have been enjoying these this summer and it's almost as much about the frosty copper mug as it is the drink. Ok... not almost, it is. I need a set of my own. If you haven't tried a Moscow Mule get some Tito's and make one today. Perfect summer cocktail!

It's five o'clock somewhere, right? The moscow mule is particularly refreshing on these hot summer days. "17 Three-Ingredient Cocktails You Should Know How To Make"


I love booties. They are undoubtedly my favorite fall shoe choice here in the South. Especially if they have some cut out action, mesh, open toe, etc. Love, love love the Splash Pointy Toe Booties from Nine West. When they go on sale they are mine. 

Splash Pointy Toe Booties


I am a bag whore. I carry "luggage" according to my people, every day. And I love a good tote. Saw this from Anthro... the Imogen... then I died.


Because it's Friday and we must laugh at stupid humans...

Grandkids... not all they are cracked up to be.

38 People Who Are Done With Today

This seems like a metaphor for life. Having fun then... BAM

38 People Who Are Done With Today

Really? Really....

Tweeting about that new credit card.

I still love that someone took this so literally. 

Pizza & Cookies (& Jack).

How exactly would you explain this. I'll ask my ex. He'll know.

The three-car cooler train ride to drunktown.

Haven't seen any stupid escalator gifs lately. What the what.

22 Things That Seemed Like Good Ideas At The Time

Can you imagine, you see the google maps car coming down your street and...

The 21 Most Awkward Situations In History

Have a great weekend!!!

Image result for friday favorites link up
I have gotten into a habit, jury out on good or bad, of playing tennis on Sunday nights which has put the smack down on me getting a weekending post written for Monday. No apologies though because, I do what I want. So how could Sunday tennis possibly be bad you say? Well it is exercise but as I have pointed out before we usually have a few beers too so it may not be the healthiest choice but still better than sitting on the couch. I have been feeling a bit of the old anxiety creeping back and I am not sure why but the best of all fixes for me is exercise. Meds work too and no shame, been there done that, just trying to avoid any more expenses and exercise is free. So Sunday night, instead of writing an amazing re-cap of my super fun weekend, I was sweating in 90 degree heat and 1000% humidity trying to release some stress. And I did. Those are the nights when I come home, take the best shower ever and fall into bed and asleep completely relaxed and happy.

Anyway let's get back to the weekend. It pretty much revolved around Saturday and an FSU event with one of my college besties for us local Seminoles to get ready for the football season! The Atlanta Seminole Club put's on the Spear-It Fest every August and this year it was at a fun bar in Buckhead called Big Sky. The chef there is Hector Santiago from Top Chef fame so we also had some delicious fish tacos and wasabi guacamole to go along with our shots and beers! There were several former players signing autographs as well as our AD Stan Wilcox who graciously took a selfie with us!

Saturday night dinner with the man friend and a few drinks with the regulars. Sunday errands and a lil shopping with one of my hood girlies, found a few cute little prints for my mudroom. And as I already said... Sunday night mixed doubles. And that's a wrap on that one folks!

Happy Tuesday!


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I have gotten into a habit, jury out on good or bad, of playing tennis on Sunday nights which has put the smack down on me getting a weekending post written for Monday. No apologies though because, I do what I want. So how could Sunday tennis possibly be bad you say? Well it is exercise but as I have pointed out before we usually have a few beers too so it may not be the healthiest choice but still better than sitting on the couch. I have been feeling a bit of the old anxiety creeping back and I am not sure why but the best of all fixes for me is exercise. Meds work too and no shame, been there done that, just trying to avoid any more expenses and exercise is free. So Sunday night, instead of writing an amazing re-cap of my super fun weekend, I was sweating in 90 degree heat and 1000% humidity trying to release some stress. And I did. Those are the nights when I come home, take the best shower ever and fall into bed and asleep completely relaxed and happy.

Anyway let's get back to the weekend. It pretty much revolved around Saturday and an FSU event with one of my college besties for us local Seminoles to get ready for the football season! The Atlanta Seminole Club put's on the Spear-It Fest every August and this year it was at a fun bar in Buckhead called Big Sky. The chef there is Hector Santiago from Top Chef fame so we also had some delicious fish tacos and wasabi guacamole to go along with our shots and beers! There were several former players signing autographs as well as our AD Stan Wilcox who graciously took a selfie with us!

Saturday night dinner with the man friend and a few drinks with the regulars. Sunday errands and a lil shopping with one of my hood girlies, found a few cute little prints for my mudroom. And as I already said... Sunday night mixed doubles. And that's a wrap on that one folks!

Happy Tuesday!
champagne, printable quote, printable art
Or wine... or Miller Lite... it happens all the time.

Happy Friday lovelies!!! I've missed a few Friday Faves posts here lately and I really did miss writing them too. I love talking about the stuff that I love and hearing what it is that you are loving too. I had a really good week in spite of my A/C being out for most of it. Yep, in the dead of summer my air died, for a week. My guy got the main floor cooling but we have been with out upstairs air all week and that is where we sleep. But we didn't die, we bought fans and slept with open doors and hung out together a little more which was kinda nice.  But it's fixed now so... chillin like a villain. Let's get to it shall we?

OKC FREAK LAST OF THE WEEK (for awhile anyway)

I decided to shut down my last remaining online dating profile because... well... not really feeling it right now. And, you know, real live people are a lot more fun than the ones that live in an app on my phone. But... one last treat for you. Going out with a bang on OkCupid... a bisexual woman scoping me out for her husband. Amy Out.


Loving this new song... there is no video yet sorry. So effing sexy...

And Mr. Luke Bryan also now officially has a Yankee Candle scent named after him. Well actually it's Bourbon Vanilla but I like Kill the Lights a little better. Sadly you can only win it if you enter the sweepstakes here, it's not for sale. What's up with that??? They would sell a gozillion of these things in the South! Pick me, Pick me!!!


NYX SETTING SPRAY - I first read about this over at ElleSees and it couldn't have come at a better time. Summer in GA and did I mention my air was out for a week? Ummm yeah, I like my makeup and this stuff really makes it stay put. Get it. I got the matte but they have a dewy finish as well. I am always hot, don't need the dewy.

There’s nothing we love more than beauty on a budget, especially when the product is actually worth way more than the price tag. “Cheap Trick” is our way of sharing... Read More >>


PIMENTO CHEESE SPREAD - Here in the south Pimento Cheese is a staple. I made this recipe for my tennis party a few weeks ago and it was pretty amazing! I added a few splashes of worcestershire, a pinch or two of dry mustard and I used 1 cup each super sharp white and yellow cheddar. I followed the rest of the recipe to the letter. great with crackers, on a sandwich, as a grilled cheese or on a burger. You're welcome.


I discovered this artist on Tumblr and I love her work. Mirja Fenris. I would totally get this. My birthday is coming up and I want to keep my tradition going of marking another year with some ink. 

Mirja Fenris Tattoo


I don't know why this is so funny to me. Manatees are just cute. And apparently springy...

fail animated GIF

Hahaha... really??? Is it that hard to hold on to a fire extinguisher?

fail animated GIF

This dude doesn't even flinch.

fail animated GIF

Totally what we all do.

Cheezburger animated GIF

Me when I decide I want a cheat meal.

Cheezburger animated GIF

I am so excited for football season. Can't wit to see Jim Harbaugh, one of my faves and his legendary Dad pants. 

NFL Wonder Woman.gif

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Linking up with Amanda...

Friday Faves...

Friday, August 7, 2015

champagne, printable quote, printable art
Or wine... or Miller Lite... it happens all the time.

Happy Friday lovelies!!! I've missed a few Friday Faves posts here lately and I really did miss writing them too. I love talking about the stuff that I love and hearing what it is that you are loving too. I had a really good week in spite of my A/C being out for most of it. Yep, in the dead of summer my air died, for a week. My guy got the main floor cooling but we have been with out upstairs air all week and that is where we sleep. But we didn't die, we bought fans and slept with open doors and hung out together a little more which was kinda nice.  But it's fixed now so... chillin like a villain. Let's get to it shall we?

OKC FREAK LAST OF THE WEEK (for awhile anyway)

I decided to shut down my last remaining online dating profile because... well... not really feeling it right now. And, you know, real live people are a lot more fun than the ones that live in an app on my phone. But... one last treat for you. Going out with a bang on OkCupid... a bisexual woman scoping me out for her husband. Amy Out.


Loving this new song... there is no video yet sorry. So effing sexy...

And Mr. Luke Bryan also now officially has a Yankee Candle scent named after him. Well actually it's Bourbon Vanilla but I like Kill the Lights a little better. Sadly you can only win it if you enter the sweepstakes here, it's not for sale. What's up with that??? They would sell a gozillion of these things in the South! Pick me, Pick me!!!


NYX SETTING SPRAY - I first read about this over at ElleSees and it couldn't have come at a better time. Summer in GA and did I mention my air was out for a week? Ummm yeah, I like my makeup and this stuff really makes it stay put. Get it. I got the matte but they have a dewy finish as well. I am always hot, don't need the dewy.

There’s nothing we love more than beauty on a budget, especially when the product is actually worth way more than the price tag. “Cheap Trick” is our way of sharing... Read More >>


PIMENTO CHEESE SPREAD - Here in the south Pimento Cheese is a staple. I made this recipe for my tennis party a few weeks ago and it was pretty amazing! I added a few splashes of worcestershire, a pinch or two of dry mustard and I used 1 cup each super sharp white and yellow cheddar. I followed the rest of the recipe to the letter. great with crackers, on a sandwich, as a grilled cheese or on a burger. You're welcome.


I discovered this artist on Tumblr and I love her work. Mirja Fenris. I would totally get this. My birthday is coming up and I want to keep my tradition going of marking another year with some ink. 

Mirja Fenris Tattoo


I don't know why this is so funny to me. Manatees are just cute. And apparently springy...

fail animated GIF

Hahaha... really??? Is it that hard to hold on to a fire extinguisher?

fail animated GIF

This dude doesn't even flinch.

fail animated GIF

Totally what we all do.

Cheezburger animated GIF

Me when I decide I want a cheat meal.

Cheezburger animated GIF

I am so excited for football season. Can't wit to see Jim Harbaugh, one of my faves and his legendary Dad pants. 

NFL Wonder Woman.gif

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Linking up with Amanda...
