Goodbye summer...that's right, I said it. It's over, at least for me anyway. School starts on Thursday for my kids so this was my last weekend of summer technically. What did I do? Nothing exciting actually. You see, I am taking a hiatus of sorts from the social scene in my world. I am on a major spending, eating, drinking, interacting with people freeze and I am just tired, tired of it all. I hung out with my kids and my dog this weekend. Friday night we stayed in, all of us and played Sushi Go. We had an impromptu mini family game night and it was super fun. I can't help but think about how in just a few short weeks my house will go from 4 to 3. I'm struggling with that, I know I keep saying that but it's the truth and my social circle here doesn't seem to get it. I am the first one to have a kid leave the nest of my very closest pals so I guess I don't expect them too. I skipped a big shebang on the lake this weekend and I don't even care. It kind of feels good to just retreat for a bit.
Saturday morning bright and early we had 6th grade orientation aka "Cub Camp" for my new little Lakeside Lion. How in the hell is my baby going to 6th grade? She's a baby!!! We met all of her teachers and decorated her locker complete with pink and gold magnetic wallpaper, white fur rug and a mini rose gold battery powered disco ball that attaches to the top of the locker. You guys, my kid is cooler than me. I may have spotted a few hot single dads too but I can't be sure. Biggest news of the weekend, she and her BFF are in the same homeroom after being at the same schools since 3 year old pre-school and never in the same class. 8 years later they are finally together. Praise the lord! The rest of the day Saturday I spent napping, reading and binge watching seasons 3 & 4 of Shameless... can't get enough.
Sunday I baked paleo banana bread first thing in the morning, enjoyed some coffee on the deck and lazed around until noon. An afternoon trip to Costco and Homegoods with my #1 college girl was the most exciting part of the day. I will so miss those days. My goal was to spend less than $100 at Costco and if she wasn't with me I would have made it but we had to have organic frozen pineapple for smoothies and Dang Coconut Chips. Teenagers are so high maintenance. Don't even ask about Homegoods.
Pics or it didn't happen...
Love you long time. Happy Monday.
Linking up with Biana...
Weekending... Last of the Summer
Monday, July 31, 2017
Goodbye summer...that's right, I said it. It's over, at least for me anyway. School starts on Thursday for my kids so this was my last weekend of summer technically. What did I do? Nothing exciting actually. You see, I am taking a hiatus of sorts from the social scene in my world. I am on a major spending, eating, drinking, interacting with people freeze and I am just tired, tired of it all. I hung out with my kids and my dog this weekend. Friday night we stayed in, all of us and played Sushi Go. We had an impromptu mini family game night and it was super fun. I can't help but think about how in just a few short weeks my house will go from 4 to 3. I'm struggling with that, I know I keep saying that but it's the truth and my social circle here doesn't seem to get it. I am the first one to have a kid leave the nest of my very closest pals so I guess I don't expect them too. I skipped a big shebang on the lake this weekend and I don't even care. It kind of feels good to just retreat for a bit.
Saturday morning bright and early we had 6th grade orientation aka "Cub Camp" for my new little Lakeside Lion. How in the hell is my baby going to 6th grade? She's a baby!!! We met all of her teachers and decorated her locker complete with pink and gold magnetic wallpaper, white fur rug and a mini rose gold battery powered disco ball that attaches to the top of the locker. You guys, my kid is cooler than me. I may have spotted a few hot single dads too but I can't be sure. Biggest news of the weekend, she and her BFF are in the same homeroom after being at the same schools since 3 year old pre-school and never in the same class. 8 years later they are finally together. Praise the lord! The rest of the day Saturday I spent napping, reading and binge watching seasons 3 & 4 of Shameless... can't get enough.
Sunday I baked paleo banana bread first thing in the morning, enjoyed some coffee on the deck and lazed around until noon. An afternoon trip to Costco and Homegoods with my #1 college girl was the most exciting part of the day. I will so miss those days. My goal was to spend less than $100 at Costco and if she wasn't with me I would have made it but we had to have organic frozen pineapple for smoothies and Dang Coconut Chips. Teenagers are so high maintenance. Don't even ask about Homegoods.
Pics or it didn't happen...
Love you long time. Happy Monday.
Linking up with Biana...