Currently: July

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

43 Examples of Well-Designed Typography

Well Hi there and a big old Happy Fourth of July to all of you!! I am not quite sure how we got half way through the year in the blink of an eye but here we are. I like this time of year, the half way point. It's a really good time to look back, pull out those annual goals you set in January and see how you are doing. It is also a hopeful time for me. If there is something I have yet to complete or even start I know I still have time to do it, it's only July after all! Its never too late, we can get started, start over or completely change gears right this very minute. So I encourage you to take a minute and think about the rest of your year because now is when it really kicks into high gear. So let's get to what is happening over here currently...


Hmmm... let's see... the Independence of our great nation of course because today is a great day in the history of the USA. Aside from that though, the anniversary of the birth of my only boy child 16 years ago on July 1st. Sixteen years ago I birthed a 10 lb. 10 oz. baby boy and lived to tell about it. Not by C-section... True story. Midwives are freaking amazing folks. He is also quite an amazing, kind, compassionate, smart and handsome young man and I am so proud to be his Mom. Behold the face of a guy about to destroy some cheesecake and a delirious dog. 


This month Macon, Savannah and Augusta for work. Because let's send Amy to the hottest places in GA during the month of mother effing July. On my trip to Macon in a few weeks I plan to squeeze in a tour of the Hay House which is one of the most historic and distinguished structures in GA. Built between 1855 and 1859 it became a National Historic Landmark in 1974 and has only been lived in by two families. You can read all about it here. These pics show what it looked like in 1910 and what it looks like today. Looking forward to my little side trip. One of the perks of travelling around my own state is I get to really see the local treasures. I love the history and beauty of the old South!


Well... most notably, the best triple berry cheesecake I have ever made in my life possibly. Two out of three of my children request cheesecake for every birthday. Number three has not figured out her favorite kind of birthday fat-assery yet but she's about to be a teen so it won't be long. This one is for the books and shall go down in history. Original recipe here.


I bought the most comfy and perfect pair of mules ever this summer and I have been wearing the heck out of them. Check out the Melanie Gore Perforated Mule from Frye in light blue which is actually grey and not light blue in my opinion. I know, a bit pricey but beautifully made and they feel like air. Seriously I can't stand hot feet in the summer but sandals aren't always appropriate for even business casual. These are chic and cute at the same time.

Melanie Gore Perf Mule


The Staircase on Netflix. You guys know I am a true crime whore. This. Is. Good. The story of American Novelist Michael Peterson (just how many murderers are named Peterson anyway?) who was convicted of murdering his wife in 2003 and granted a new trial in 2017. So, so good. If you love the most bizarre true crime shit that you couldn't make up if you tried, watch this. This guy is guilty AF but let me know what you think. 

Image result for the staircase

And that's about it on the currently front for me today. 
Linking up with the amazing Anne  and her pal Shelly

I hope you all have a safe and Happy 4th of July. 




  1. I love love watching you cook on stories . That cheesecake looks delish!!

  2. Happy birthday to your teenager! Wow, I thought I had big babies... way to go, mama!!!!

    1. People kept coming to check on me that day in the hospital lol... no one could believe it!

  3. God bless America! That cheesecake looks so good!

  4. I love that perspective - it's easy to think "gahhhhhhh it's halfway through the year and what have I done?!" but how much better to think "it's halfway through the year, and I have 6 months to do great things"! Super cute shoes, and the Peterson comment cracked me up. Curious about this Netflix series now too...

    1. I am hooked on the show. I mean, there are a lot of murderous Petersons right??

  5. I have the staircase show in my queue as well. Do you listen to In The Dark podcast? it's amazing (investigative crime reporting)

