Currently... December

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – December 4, 2013 | thesassylife:

Somehow I missed this last month! The Currently link up with Anne is one of my favorites. I don't have to come up with my own topic today and that suits me just fine.

Doing...  a  30 Day squat challenge, working my ass off at work, planning an 11 year old birthday party the week before Christmas, trying to find a Hatchimal... Target is restocking them this Sunday. I highly doubt I will be one of the lucky ones but maybe. It is the "it" toy of the year and I never buy that crap but my 10 year old is dying for one and she's such a sweet kid, I'm at least gonna try. Speaking of her sweetness she is obsessed with Macarons so I am ordering a batch of these for her birthday party next week. How cute are they? Mac Lab is the shit, if you live in Atlanta go. If not check out their IG here.

Enjoying...Music and Food. This past weekend I saw 2 holiday shows and a total of 7 bands, it would have been 8 but I was stuffing my face with Korean BBQ  at Breakers and was late to the show. Friday night was The Struts, Kongos and Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats. All freaking amazing. The Struts really blew me away. I saw Nathaniel in the rain at Music Midtown and he is even better when dry. Sunday night I had dinner at Uncle Jack's Meat House and possibly one of the best beet salads ever. Don't even get me started on the Chipotle Maple Glazed Bacon app with homemade peanut butter for dipping. I died. Actually luckily I did not. I went to see James Bay, Charlie Puth, X Ambassadors and Train  at the Jingle Jam and they were all awesome.

Cooking...Well honestly not that much because hello busiest time of year.  I have been pretty good at meal prepping and that has been my saving grace because I just don't feel like cooking that much right now. Every time I make something I make a lot of it and we eat on it for days. Thank God my kids like my cooking. But, I am gearing up for Whole30 round 3 on January 2 so all of my indulgences are about to get reigned in real quick!

Wrapping... Ummm, I bought the stuff to wrap with. Does that count?

Playing..... Records. I bought a record player. So far I love it but I just got it and will really review at a later date. I have a feeling this could be my next obsession. I love the sound and scouring vintage shops and flea markets for treasures like old albums is totally my thing. Isn't it pretty?

Happy December!


  1. It has been a hot minute since I did a squat challenge. I usually do one in January because of the holiday load. LOLOL. You go girl!

    Love your record player.

  2. Ugh yes- a squat challenge is something I certainly could use right about now haha. We got a record player over the summer and I cannot get enough of it! It's on pretty much every night in our house. Stopping by from the Currently link up :)

  3. Oh! Look at that record player!! I love it!

  4. hatchimal - don't! my friend's kid has one and other than the hatching part, the rest is annoying and basically went into the bin as soon as it hatched...he said that he didn't realize how LOUD it was!

  5. I love your record player! I need to get more records for my player.

  6. i love your record player! so pretty. i used to love when my mum would let me put records on. so much more fun than a cd.
    i haven't even bought wrapping paper so you're ahead of me!

  7. Oh those macarons are way too cute! And dang that food looks good. Happy December to you!

  8. A record player has been on my wish list for a couple years now! There's something about the sound of listening to a vinyl :).

