Friday Favorites - Christmas Things

Friday, December 19, 2014

Oh hey... it's Friday and Christmas is next week.... say whaaaaat??? How did this happen??? My last couple of Christmases were kind of weird and odd in that we were making new traditions and it felt well... new and weird. But we seemed to have settled in and it truly has become new normal. This is the first year I can say I am thoroughly enjoying the season. I even sent out cards which I have not done in 2 years. It  is weird  this good happy Christmas feeling, given my current situation but still... it's so nice. Any way lets's get to a few favorites!!! Linking up with some of my favorite pretties in Blogland ... 
Amanda, Karli and Amy


By far one of my favorite Christmas things... all the cookies. 


They get so excited and it's contagious. My daughter and her BFF wore matching pajamas to school today for Polar Express Day. 


I am a comfort food junkie and casseroles are a staple in the cold-ish winter months. Made one of my faves this week just like my Mom used to make. Tuna Casserole in puff pastry shells. Yum. My kids love this one.

Creepy Santa Memes

Come on, don't pretend you've never encountered a "Santa" with a lil bit of a creepster vibe.

Creative Gingerbread Houses

This one an homage to my home town Detroit. Nailed it.

Cheers Lovers! Have a great weekend and don't get too eggnog drunk:)



  1. How cute does your daughter and her friend look - I wish we could dress in pj's to work but I think that would be frowned upon!! have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. I have eaten so many freaking cookies. So many.

    Love the PJs look and the creepy Santa memes!

  3. hahaha!! that gingerbread house! Amazing! So glad to hear that you are in the spirit this year! Love the pjs on your daughter and her bff :)

  4. The gingerbread crack house-- hahaha!

  5. yes, yes, yes and yes.

    It is so strange to have to make new "traditions". Aj and I still dont have any and this is the second one we're spending together. Maybe we should do matching pajamas? haha

  6. Your daughter and her friend in their jammies - too cute! Also santa has always given me the creeps hehehe

  7. bahahahahha that gingerbread house is hilarious! I like how "crack" is written on the box!

  8. the cookies are my faves!! i head home tomorrow and hope my mom baked some!

