I got off a lil early on Friday night and pretty much did a whole lotta nothing but chit chat on the phone with Mr. Chicago, play Candy Crush, drink wine and catch up on Catfish. I know I am a ginormous loser!!! But in all fairness the girlz came over on Thursday and we stayed up too late so I was old lady tired on Friday night. Plus my kiddoes were at their Dad's since he said he didn't have enough gas to drive them home... loser. And then I fell asleep.
My family room is so relaxing... I often fall asleep on the floor.
Got up at a somewhat reasonably early hour on Sat. even though I had no plans for the day except to go for a run. Made coffee, responded to some email (ok... just one long dirty email from soldier boy in Baghdad... that was fun) lazed around a little more and had to go pick up the kids at Dad's apartment. We decided the best course of action for the afternoon was a movie for all of us. So a bunch of smuggled in grocery store candy and a big tub of popcorn later we all went to see Despicable Me 2 and it was heee-larious! And then we went home. It was another deliriously exciting night at my house with kids. We did some balsamic glazed chicken on the grill and a big yummy cucumber salad. I had more wine. You guessed it... And then I fell asleep. Seriously at like 9:00, but it felt so good!
The Famous Cucumber Salad
So Sunday I had my first tennis match in a month at 10:00 in the morning. I was so excited to be back out there and playing with one of my fave partners. As I mentioned my team was in the hunt for play offs so it was an important match. It wasn't ungodly hot but it was hot... and really humid. I started off ok but as the match got on (and it was a tough one) I just could not get it together. I started worrying that the heat would be too much for me. My doc said use good judgement... wasn't sure if I was or not. And then my legs started feeling like lead and my back was hurting. I am pretty sure I was freaking out a little too much and I have noticed that the heat is really bothersome to me right now... maybe my meds?? Any who I had some good shots and we played ok but we lost. There is no way I could have gone 3 sets so I was glad. A month off wreaks havoc on the endurance dammit. Oh well, I did not pass out and embarrass myself on the court anyway. After sitting around drinking beer watching the rest of my team lose their matches too, I went home and took a nice cool shower. And then I fell asleep. Notice a recurring theme here???
All in all a good weekend. Mr. Chicago was oddly quiet after Friday. Oddly quiet. I hope I didn't jinx it by thinking it was feeling relationship-y and putting it out there for the universe to stomp on. Hmmm... I hate when I do that. All in all a good weekend though. Ready for a stellar week! Happy Monday!
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