Friday Favorites & My Oh Hey 5!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

I think I will round off the week with a few things I am looking forward to this weekend. It was a fairly productive week all things considered. I did get all of the most important stuff done and managed to almost finish a new resume too. My old one is shit so I am scrapping it and starting over. I just want it to be simple and straightforward. Not too much bullshit.

I am amazed at how fast the days go by for me being at home. I turn around and it's 5:00 and I feel like all I did was sit in front of the computer and/or do laundry. It's kind of just like working this looking for a job thing, only I wasn't able to get any laundry done at work. I find myself thinking a little about my old job. Like what are they doing, are people calling for me, what is going on and did anyone else get laid off yet. I do know that one of my peers got let go after I did the same day. He was there even longer than I was. It is hard not to think about when you spent every day for 3 years plus with a group of people at a small company. I am really struggling with feeling bitter and angry at the owners and specifically my boss. I just can't believe that you would let go of someone in my situation before the holidays. Even if he would have cut my hours it would have been so much more bearable. And I hate saying "my situation" but they all know... single Mom, 3 kids, no child support... I mean what kind of people fuck over that employee first??? What gets me is some of the others left don't do much... at all. But not gonna beat a dead horse. It's done and I am moving on. I might beat it a few more times... sue me... fair warning.

The more I think about it I am seeing that it's just time for me to do something different. Get on a new path to something better. I am excited about that. I was in such a different place last time I was looking for a job... just miserable in my marriage and personal life and desperate for work. Things are so different now. Better and getting better even with the constant struggles and road blocks.

Thank you all for you support. You can not know how much your words, messages, prayers and such have meant to me. I know we may have never have met physically but I feel like I know a lot of you and am honored to call you friends... not "blog friends".... just friends:)

And with that, here is what I am looking forward to my soon to be favorites of the weekend....

Undefeated FSU (9-0) takes on unranked Miami (6-3) Sat. at 8:00. It's an old rivalry so always a little dicey. I might be snuggled up on the couch with a fire, a glass of wine and a beard for game watching. Shhhh....

Got a sweet invite out for another pity party dinner tonight. And pick the restaurant. Don't mind if I do....  Steak Au Poivre and Mashed Potatoes is whats for dinner. Don't think I'll be able to sneak a photo cause... non blogging friends think it's weird but I'll try. Just in case this is what will be in muh belly tonight!!! Hello lover.....

North GA is one of the most beautiful places on earth in the fall and this is what it looks like right outside my back door. Only I don't live that close to the lake... maybe soon though, who knows. Things change....

Although a lot of you live in far colder places it's gonna be really cold here this weekend. Like 25 degrees tonight so I will be planted in front of my roaring fire all weekend long and I can't wait. And since I am still a little angry I think this is what I will be drinking, or possibly Ginger Balls... that's Fireball and Ginger Ale you hoes. Trust me, it's good stuff.

And this song, old school Dwight Yoakam that I have loved for years cause "Baby Things Change" and just look at those pants....

Linking up with Amanda.... cause I love her:)

And Amy and Karli because I love them too and I came up with 5!!

Happy Weekend!!!


  1. when i woke up and got in my car, there was frost all over the place and it was -3C. wtf, i am not ready for this kind of weather just yet.

  2. I'm so glad to hear you've had a productive week and working on resumes is NEVER fun!! UMMM that dinner you are going to have tonight - I'm drooling!! Hope you have a great weekend Amy!!

  3. I have always secretly loved Dwight! Glad to hear you are thinking positively!

  4. OMG i've been mia for awhile looks like i missed a lot- F those owners, are they serious??

    Also GIMME that angry balls drink!!!

  5. ugh resumes suck. hope you find something soon. that drink looks... like a hangover waiting to happen, haha! have a great weekend!

  6. I plan on watching our football game tomorrow on my couch, in pajamas, and a warm blanket haha. My fiance asked if I wanted to go to a bar for it and I was like hmm.. its cold no thanks haha!

  7. Are you near a Dept. of Labor center? Check out if you have a One Stop center near you, and often they have resume/career counseling/job search services...or, can connect you to a local agency. Google search "One Stop Center" or "Dept. of Labor" and add your location. Services should be free :)

