Yadda Yadda Yadda Weekend #backthatazzup Pie

Friday, November 15, 2013

What a crazy week it has been. But I am thankful. And channeling 70's hair apparently.
I went to a funeral yesterday. I didn't have to go. A lot of times you hear people say they have to go to a funeral. I didn't have to go. It was for the Mom of one of my neighbors. We are not really that close at all but she has been my neighbor for maybe 8 or so years now So I thought this is what I should do. It's the way I grew up I guess,  your neighbors are part of your life... you go.  My friend gave her Mother's eulogy. She told the story of her Mom to honor her. It was beautiful and heartfelt. She cried a little. I cried a lot. I am so glad I was there. She did not have a lot of girl friends there. I am glad I was one of them. I heard the story of a great lady and I hope my presence was felt.  Funerals are for the living after all. So everyone call your Mom today and tell her you love her!

And on a lighter note for some reason all I can think about is Thanksgiving. I am heading up to Michigan next weekend to spend the whole week with my fam. But I am craving the turkey dinner like right now. So I think I just might have to make one this weekend. I need green bean casserole.Yes I said need. And the crispy little french fried onions all over the top. Need.

Who does not like this???

And also pie... pumpkin, apple, pecan, mincemeat... whatevs. I want them to be pretty like this too.

So I am in a Thanksgiving state of mind but I was driving around last night and I saw this...

Ok... I didn't actually see this house but I was driving and I couldn't take a picture so ... anyway the point is I saw three.... yes Tres houses with Christmas lights already up!?!?!? You people are ruining it!!! You can't decorate for Christmas  the week after Halloween. Just stop it already and enjoy one commercialized holiday at a time. At least let me finish all my Reese's pumpkins before you start shoving the fat little peanut butter trees down my throat! Gahhhhh

Oh and I had a meeting last night because I once again signed up to be the TCM or Troop Cookie Mom which is absolutely hilarious because I am so not the Mom to be in charge of anything. But my little Ava so wants me to be that Mom so I try... for her. And for these little nuggets of dough-lisciousness. So if you want to buy some we start selling Jan. 1. Just in time for everyone's New Year's resolutions to be hijacked. And I will be happy to package you up a box or 5 and send them to you!

So let's get to it shall we and #backthatazzup with Miss Whitney Ellen the T-shirt Mogul and a man I would not kick out for eatin crackers in bed... Mr. Luke Bryan.

Cheers Ya'll!


  1. I looooove your big voluminous hair! I'm ready for Thanksgiving too!! I actually love cooking all day!

  2. Love the 70's hair and I agree, I HATE when people decorate for Christmas right after Halloween. One holiday at a time, DUH!!

