Fears and Craft Beers

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Keep Skinny Ms. tips, recipes, meal plans, and workouts in your life regularly!  #enewsletter #skinnyms

We are almost at the end of the first month of the year. 2015 and one month down. Saturday is the last day of this first month of the new year. If you made any, did you stick to your resolutions? Mine, first and foremost, was to stick to my Whole30 and Teami 30 Day Detox and not cheat.  This coming Saturday will be my 30th day and I will be done. Done-zo. With the first 30 days anyway. So now comes the part that may actually be just as hard and I have to confess I am a little scared. I am scared of what comes next and can I do that thing that I have never really been able to do before.  Time to re-introduce some of the foods that I have cut out for the last 30 days. Yikes... cheese and bread and wine... oh Lawd! It's like all those times that I quit smoking and said I'll just have one or two if I'm out drinking. Welp... that never worked so we shall see how this compares.

I actually have been thinking about making my Whole30 a Whole60, 90 or 120 because I feel so good but I don't think the reality of not having something off plan for that amount of time is likely  possible for me to achieve. And it kind of defeats the purpose of conquering that fear and mastering a new relationship with food. But honestly, I am afraid that once I have that first bite of something that I will slip back to old habits, habits of a lifetime of bad food relationships and over indulging. 

So in an effort to be proactive,  I am already planning my Superbowl Sunday party food and craft beer selection. Yes, I am going to start with alcohol as my cheat!!! Not planning on diving into the wings, seven layer dip and bud light on ice at the party. More like crudite and some yummy home made guac with one big badass Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry Chocolate Ale. Yes, it is  a real thing that I have been dying to try so this is my treat. And the bottle is pink, how cute is that?

I guess the point is that I feel like I have worked so hard this month and I am not really ready to be done. I have no idea how much weight I lost because I stuck to the rules on that one too and have not hopped on the scale. I will on Sunday though. And I know I have lost, I can feel it. I have a way to go though to really be where I want to be so this weekend will not mark the end for me. Just gonna keep on plugging along and learning how to manage the 5-10% (ideally) of the time where I might want to indulge in something maybe not so healthy.

I am planning a big post next week to review the Whole30 experience along with  my 30 Day Detox from TeamiBlends which has also been awesome! If you are interested in that you can still use discount code AMY10 for 10% off your order and free shipping.

On a side note, I made a super delicious pot of soup last night from a recipe that Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often posted last week. Find her recipe here. I tweaked it just a bit because I found andouille sausage on sale but here is what it looked like. Completely clean and Paleo if that's your jam! Perfect for a cold winter night and a quick throw together too!

Are you snowed in today? Make soup and enjoy it!


  1. YAY you have almost hit that 30 day mark.. that is something to be proud of!! I think having a cheat meal one or two days a month or introducing a few things that aren't extremely unhealthy back into your diet won't make you go crazy. Moderation. Love that recipe, I am going to have to give it a try!!

    1. Yes... I think it will be ok too as long as I can keep it in check. Meals will work. It's cheat days or cheat weekends that spiral out of control and get me in trouble!

  2. Woohooo!! congrats on your 30 day mark!! you are almost there!!! good job!

  3. I can't wait to hear about all the final details. All of y'all have me pretty well convinced to try it!

  4. Very good choice on the first craft beer. Rogue is one of my favorite breweries!!! I'm so excited to hear about your final results. I think the idea to keep on going, with a few minor cheats (like raspberry chocolate ale) is the way to go.

  5. I cant believe it's been almost 30 days! You started it after a day of football and your taking a day to drink bc of football. Good thing you started after college season! I cant wait to see your results.

  6. WOW you go!!! You're almost there!! Awesome! I have to cheat with the alcohol, and I'm about to go cheat with this beer you posted about!

  7. You've done so well and I really don't think you will slide. Have faith! It just is what it is - one bad meal does not mean the rest of the day is bad, or the day after.

  8. Go you for planning ahead. Also if you "cheat" its ok just pick back up and keep on going. If its a lifestyle change, you will have days of indulgence. Its just about getting back on track. You are doing a stellar job!

