I'm In Love With The Process

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Find the sense of wonder in seeing how you change and that every day is different than yesterday. Push yourself to do one more every day: 1 more gesture of selflessness, 1 more gesture of hope, 1 more time to marvel and how events unfold, 1 more act of letting go.

Soooo why aren't you.... freaking out about your lack of job? ... miserable depriving yourself of all your favorite things?... lonely without a relationship? Because I am enjoying the process....

These are the questions I get asked or that get eluded to all the time. Ahhh the process.... the beloved or possibly dreaded process. I have been thinking about this a lot lately as there is a process for everything that we want to achieve or get to in life right? For me anyway, I don't know how people fly completely by the seat of their pants. I fly by the seat of my pants on a lot of things, don't get me wrong. I have learned that some things I stress over way too much (mostly involving other people which you can't control anyway) and those are the ones  I need to give to a higher power and just let happen the way they are supposed to. I disengage and let it ride. But right now I am pretty much a believer in the statement up above. I am not super worried about the end results but just focusing on loving the process.

3 things....

Job Situation - I have pretty much decided that there are specific things I want in my next position and until I reach DEFCON 1 I am not backing down. I am not freaking out either. Maybe I should be because I don't have a bottomless bank account but I refuse to settle this time. My last two jobs I took because I felt  desperate for work and independence. I settled for less money and other things that were less desirable. And look where that has gotten me... not much further ahead in some important aspects of my life. So I have a process that I am adhering to for this job search and it's kind of liberating to just say no... I'm worth more than that. Not interested. Don't worry I'm not being stupid about it... if something close came along I would jump on it!

The "Diet" - First of all I am not looking at this Whole30 as a diet and I am getting annoyed with people asking me how my diet is going. This is a huge process, reshaping the way you think about food and how it fits into your daily life. I met a woman at my tennis match the other day that said she had done the Whole30 a year ago and it changed her. She has adopted the principles and it is just pretty much the way she lives now. That's what I am going for. The process is something I have to think about daily right now but eventually it won't be, it will just be the way I choose to live. At least that is my goal. This all goes back to my 2015 Manifesto overall health goals. Specific things I want to accomplish in that arena too so if I can't go hear my favorite band play in a bar this weekend without drinking (and I can't) I am going to stay home and read a book and eat some zoodles. That's my process currently and I don't hate it, plus I am saving tons of money by being a hermit.

The Significant Other - That I don't have/want. This seems to mystify so many people around me because I get asked all the time. Or worse I get "oh I'm sure you will meet someone and fall in love very soon". Newsflash... if that's what I wanted I would have it. Clearly it's not what I am in need of right now or it would have happened. I have certainly met some lovely men since I have been single that were looking for love, I'm just not in that place. I am in a Me place, the process of enjoying being on my own and being free to do whatever the fuck I want. People seem uncomfortable with this, maybe I'm weird but I love it. Besides, this makes me attract and be drawn to men who are in the same place as I am. And they make good friends to hang out with and just do stuff with... no strings... just good fun. Don't knock it til you try it.

Just rambling today... have you ever just not worried about the end result at all and just sat back and enjoyed the process? Cause this is a pretty new concept for me. Wish I would have figured this out sooner!

   Oh and by the way... if you are not doing anything on Thursday please come join me as I will be co-hosting the Thursty Thursday Link-Up with Kristin @ Hopelessly Ever After talking about one of my favorite things on the planet... Dranks!!!! Let us know what fabulous cocktail gets your buzz on and link up! See the deets below!

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1. Follow Hopelessly Ever After and The Crazy Wise Woman via GFC or Bloglovin'.
2. Write about your favorite DRANK (alcoholic beverage).
3. Grab a button from below or Kristin's sidebar and put it in your post.
4. Come back here and link up!!!
5. Get some new recipes or drink ideas for the weekend and make a new friend!!
6. Send a tweet with #ThurstyThursday and include @leggs532 and @CrazyWiseWoman so we can see it!!

Anyone interested in co-hosting next week email Kristin at:

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Hopelessly Ever After



  1. It has to be such a great feeling to just trust the process. Letting go of some anxiety may actually help it all work out faster. Weird but true.

  2. I think not settling is the best thing - finding the right job is so important so that you wont be miserable in a few months!! Your Whole30 experience is so great - I think saying no to things that tempt you is so hard. xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  3. This post just gave me LIFE. I love love love everything about it.

  4. I think just being with yourself is important if you are going to find the right relationship down the road. Even if you don't want to be in a relationship down the road, the relationship with yourself should be the most important one you have!! Changing how you eat is hard, it took me years to get to the point where a few weeks ago it suddenly clicked for me that eating a certain way hurts me and I don't want to do it anymore. It wasn't about weight loss or following a diet, it just clicked for me and I started changing my lifestyle. So I completely understand that one!!

  5. AMEN. I'm not eating well now...I'm eating well as a way of life and adopting the eating well 90% eating whatever 10% instead of eating well 40% eating whatever 60% that I'd been doing. MFD is doing it too, and he's really understand the importance of ingredients and how food is made and what it does for your body.

    You need to trust your process. I know something is coming your way that will suit you very well.

  6. I think you've figured out the key to success. Keep at it!

  7. Love this! Love your zen attitude about life . . . I think that's the best way to go! I always love the quote about worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair . . . it gives you something to do but never gets you any where!

  8. Such a great attitude to have, you don't want the same job situation down the line so finding the right one and not the first one is so much better!

  9. I love your take on these three life things!! #crazywise :)

  10. I wish I could trust the process more. I am OK as long as it's not a million things at once. Currently, between the sad state of my job and knowing we have to go thru IVF, I just feel so desperate to find ajob that pays enenough for everything. Even if I hate it. And it shouldn't be that way. Sorry to vent as well....

  11. I only use the word diet to describe what I am doing because I dont know how else to describe it... but I hate when people ask how the diet is going. Dude Im trying to change my lifestyle over here. Life - style. Anyhoo... Im totally impressed by the attitude you have. Get it girl :)

