Humpday Confessions & Hashtags & Stuff

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Just a quickie today cause I got some biz to go handle and I didn't get this done yesterday cause #isuckatplanning

My appetite is gone. I can't for the life of me eat enough lately. I know... shut up this is not a problem. It's stress/nerves and a combination of other things and I find myself going half the day some days on tea or coffee. It's not really good but I am still losing weight. And when I am eating it's good healthy food soo... this is not really a bad thing. But I still want to eat an entire pizza.

I am officially down 30 pounds today. And another 9.5 inches. 3 of which are off my deflating boobs. Damn it to hell.

I handled a major clusterfuck in my life that I have been dealing with for awhile. Not handled as in completely done but, a big part of it is now going in the right direction. Finally.

I refused to speak to my ex yesterday when he asked me for a favor. A FAVOR!!!!


And I am off to lunch with an old friend.

Have a lovely humpday!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

Linking up with Lolo and Lauren!


  1. seriously. why are we not real life friends. you CRACK me up. bag of dicks is my go to statement. I say it a lot. maybe too much.

    PS. AWESOME news about the weight loss... wooohooo!!

  2. I wish I had no appetite. I have the opposite. I need all the foods to make me feel better. Cheesy hot foods. Still losing 30 lbs does sound way more appealing!! Way to get shit done!

  3. Did you say down 30lbs?????? Oh men.....can't even.

  4. You go girl, kicking butt! Haha! Discuss what?! Quit discuss pizza, I now have a craving! ;p

  5. Go girl go!!! Down 30lbs? That's UH-mazing!!! :D And now I really want to fold up a pizza and eat it Liz Lemon style...

  6. I love the pic that you have associated with your ex- made me laugh :) xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  7. Shizam . . . 30 freaking pounds! That is fantastic!! Rock on! And you know I love stories when told in gifs . . . they never disappoint!

  8. hahaha your hashtags are awesome. dont you hate it when you lose weight and the first place it goes is from your boobs? i have nothing there anymore #mosquitobites

  9. damn girl! Any b&a pictures? 30 lbs is a lot!

  10. ummm 30 pounds is amazeballs!! And I'm happy about my deflating boobs haha. I have wayy more than I need!

