Getting a late start today as per usual when I have a kids weekend. It means I spend less time prepping for Monday and more time just enjoying life on the weekend. This weekend was exceptionally busy for us too so I feel like I got absolutely nothing done towards getting posts written, or any other thing on my endless weekly to do list. So here we are on this first monday in March... what in the what??? How did we get to the 3rd month of the year so damn quickly? And wow again because this is not how I thought my year would be shaping up by now but, it is what it is. I for one am looking forward to spring and feeling hopeful today. I put the dog out this morning and it was a balmy 48 degrees... what a pleasant surprise! We have the time change this weekend too which normally hermit Amy does not get excited about but I kind of am for some reason. Maybe because it will symbolically mark the end of the winter of my discontent. Here's hoping anyway.
So anyway the weekend... Friday night was my first dinner out in quite awhile and bestie and I packed up our boys while the girls were at the Father daughter dance and we tried out my teenagers new place of employment. She works now my daughter, did I mention that? She got herself a little job the minute she turned 16 in January and I couldn't be more proud of her for it. She's a hostess at a little Italian place by us, Mangia. I splurged on white pizza, wine and garlic knots. You know it was really good but not as amazing as I was hoping for my first pizza of the year. I felt like I wasn't really even sure if I wanted to veer off track that much but I did and it was decent. Not as exciting as I remembered. The wine was awesome and I could have eating about a dozen garlic knots but I stuck with just one. And it was a little garlic pillow of heaven dripping with butter and parmesan cheese.
Saturday was up and running all day after an awesome Whole 30 breakfast to make up for my previous nights fall off the wagon. That IG post actually got regrammed by @whole30 and blew up my notifications with questions and new followers. Yay! It really was a freaking delicious breakfast too.
Saturday afteernoon we had a Girl Scout cookie booth (you can still order from Ava via digital cookie order here) then a quick trip to Target for my new favorite doormat. I got the last one and that my friends is a sign that I was meant to have it! It doesn't quite cover the burn marks from when my last porch mat was set on fire by neighborhood hoodlums (a cautionary tale for parents of beautiful girls is in here somewhere) but it'll do. I really need to scrub that front porch... priorities. I also found a really cute coal scuttle for my fireplace marked down to $5.98... score! Because you need a pretty, safe container for your hot ashes. You do. And can I just say I want all new patio furniture for spring too? Like orange chairs and butterfly pillows and maybe a rug for my deck? Thanks Target.
I was so busy that I really didn't have much time to binge watch HOC as planned but that is what kid free weekend upcoming is for. I did get thru the first episode on Friday though and holy crap... Frank is evil. I don't want to ruin it for anyone but some stuff in the season finale I totally misread and this is going to be another great season I am sure! Kevin Spacey you are freaking brilliant in this role and it is oddly attractive.
The Walking Dead. Ahem... Rick shaved his beard is all I have to say about that. And Sweet Home Alexandria is creeping me the fuck out. And if anything happens to Daryl like in that promo for next week I will seriously cry. But how hot is Andrew Lincoln even with no beard?
Sunday was more random errand running, kids over, waffles and bagels for them for brunch, pork butt for dinner in the crock pot all day and some other cute stuff from Target.
Linking up with Biana and Meghan!
Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!
I dont think there is a better actor out there to play the role of Frank Underwood - I vote more Frank!! :) xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteI need to watch the House of Cards everyone is talking about it!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday
Chelsea @
I don't watch either of those shows, but I'm not a fan of beards lol. thinking i might start house of cards! and yay for whole 30 regramming your photo, thats awesome!
ReplyDeleteok, does WD get any better? i stopped just last season because it was so freaking boring.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bad blog friend, I had no idea your daughter was 16! She's gorgeous and I love that she has a job already. I worked for a dentist starting at 15...they paid me like $5 an hour...holy hell. ridiculous. Your weekend with the kiddos looked fab!
ReplyDeleteGarlic knots are so good. Sounds like a great weekend! I am so glad you didn't spoil WD since I have to catch up on it tonight. I watched Secrets and Lies instead. Such a good new show.
ReplyDeleteRick is so handsome without a beard - I almost forgot what he used to look like! I was waiting for Daryl to hop in the shower but that never happened.. sigh.. here's hoping we get a shower scene next weekend ;)
ReplyDeleteThat white pizza looks AMAZING! Pete is a huge House of Cards fan, too. He watched the whole season on Saturday. I kept trying to tell him that Scandal is better, lol
ReplyDeletethose garlic knots look amazing!! I would have eaten all of them...I want to start watching HOC!
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame that the pizza wasn't freaking amazing. I think it's all a mental game and yours is just stronger than the pizza's haha Looks like you were a busy little bee this weekend!
ReplyDeleteyeah!!!!!! The power of social media that is amazing!!! I would be literally so excited if a picture of mine ever hit over 1000 likes awesome!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour whole thirty breakfast looks even more yummy than the pizza. And I love pizza.
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